Hello & Welcome!
An Invitation to “Livethetruthtoday.com”
In speaking with many friends and family and tuning in to the energy in the world today, I’ve experienced a shared grief over the denial of Climate Change, the multiple threats to our democracy and an abhorrence of the proliferation of lies and disinformation in our world. And then the War in Ukraine and seemingly endless, endless school shootings!
I truly believe that “When the Power of Love Overcomes the Love of Power, the World will know Peace” (Jimi Hendrix). I felt called to write a New Parable for These Times (And a Cry Went Out) that offers a better ending and a different storyline than the collision course our world seems to be on now. Creating a Free and Interactive website to support others who also feel this way already or are open to exploring the possibility of this shift, as in “The Great Turning” seemed an important addition to Awakening the Dreamers and helping them find actions they can create to support the New Story and a sustainable, just and caring world.
Your feedback and responses are most welcome in the “Comments” section – and I will reply to what you share and suggest.
In Truth and Love,
Gail Kristin Lennstrom 2022