Time for a Movement Break
Please feel free to stand up and dance along with Carrie's amazing music and video!
At the beginning of each new year, I always seek a new inspirational saying to use as the ‘signature’ on my emails. In 2021 it had been “When the Power of Love Overcomes the Love of Power, then the world will know Peace.” It deepened my grief that this had not happened in 2021, in fact, it seemed we were more polarized as a nation and even a world than ever with more and more Power concentrated in a few Oligarchs. Not only has the “Big Lie” prevailed, but it also seemed endlessly more were being generated and supported by many in a political ‘camp’ I simply did not understand. More than ever, it seemed time for the Truth, and after Googling various quotes about Truth I chose one by Arthur Schopenhauer (Philosopher 1788 -1860)
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident
There was a lot about this quote that bothered me, but I had to admit that it seemed historically correct. Copernicus’ theory that the Sun was at the center of the Universe and the planets revolved around it (1543) was ridiculed for over 100 years and when Galileo again supported heliocentrism in 1633, the Catholic Church put him under house arrest where he died in 1642. Many scientists were put to death during the Inquisition for theories we now hold as ‘self-evident’. The truth of all being 'created equal' is STILL far from being accepted as 'self0evident' and is still being 'violently opposed' today. And in the United States, the process of ‘A smooth transition of power” is being challenged for the first time in our history.
I supported a “Truth” that we are all connected, and the science of Quantum Physics supports this on an atomic and energetic levels. But some Churches and many politicians seem to need to continue to support the story of separation – of good and evil people and beliefs, and those in Power got to decide which was which, because it gets to keep FEAR alive and spreading. On January 9th I removed the Schopenhauer quote and replaced it with one that said “If you feel your dreams have not come true, just add the work “Yet” …a favorite word of Jane Goodall in her recent book “Hope” that my DIL had serendipitously given me for Christmas.
I had witnessed how sharing stories of loss and grief and sharing tears had united people of previously divergent beliefs and cultures. Hearts had opened and the energies connected in a new bond of unity and oneness. The Truth Tree is a metaphorical symbol that allows this energy of LOVE to grow and ‘enter our beings’ just as the metaphorical bite of the metaphorical and man created story of the Apple separated us. The energy of fear of differences and scarcity keeps that Illusion of separation alive – for the benefit of those very few in Power!
The Energy of LOVE created the feeling of Oneness and Abundance that comes about from sharing all the amazing resources and Sustainable Energy that Mother Earth has provided for us. In “The Matrix” Morpheus offers the choice between the ‘red pill and the blue pill’…. the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing TRUTH by taking the Red Pill or by remaining in contented ignorance by taking the blue pill.
I’m asking you -
“Which fruit Will You Choose… The Red Fruit or the Purple Fruit?”
A New Beginning -- with a better story Line -- YOU CAN CHOOSE!
How Can YOU Help Make this Happen?
Or as Mark Borax says in his March 2022 Cosmic Weather Report “If we love hard enough, stand strong, and combine sources with like-minded souls, we might pull off a miracle in the last reel of the movie entitled “The End of Everything that Never Worked Right in the First Place.”